Kaiser Permanente in Northern California conducted a study that breached numerous patient protection rules. The study was meant to explore if a fish oil-derived drug could help reduce complications from respiratory illnesses like COVID in high-risk cardiovascular patients.
- Researchers' Misconduct: Two leading researchers, Dr. Alan Go and Dr. Andrew Ambrosy, were disciplined for failing to adhere to research compliance and patient safety protocols. They withheld critical information and attempted to cover up these lapses.
- Study Termination and Suspension: The study was halted in December 2022, and eleven other studies by these researchers were suspended. An internal audit by Kaiser's Institutional Review Board (IRB) found "persistent failure" in following regulations.
- Patient Safety Compromised: Notably, an elderly man with a known shellfish allergy, which should have excluded him from the study, was pressured to participate and subsequently experienced health issues potentially linked to the drug. The study also included participants with other exclusion criteria like cognitive impairments or language barriers.
- Inadequate Oversight: The FDA criticized Kaiser's oversight, highlighting that their system for monitoring research safety and ethics was inadequate. The IRB lacked the authority to act swiftly due to delays from Kaiser leadership in providing necessary information.
- Audit Findings: The audit revealed numerous violations including:
- Enrollment of ineligible participants with allergies, cognitive issues, or language barriers.
- Undue influence on participants to join or continue in the study.
- Improper management of study protocols, leading to poor documentation and data handling.
- Corrective Actions: After complaints and the audit results, Kaiser implemented corrective action plans, but specifics were not detailed. The researchers' appeal to continue the study was denied.
- Broader Implications: This incident not only questions the integrity of the research conducted but also casts a shadow over Kaiser's research oversight, potentially affecting its reputation and the trust of its large patient base in California.