Monday, June 8, 2015

More Worker Hours Cut, More Regulatory Costs and Burdens Added to Employers | PPACA & Now New Overtime Rules

Another outstanding post from the fine folks over at Coyote Blog detailing precisely how one business (his) managed PPACA's 30-hour full time threshold and how employers will respond to new DOL regulations set to release this week.  Here is an excerpt
Barack Obama Poised to Convert Millions of Junior Managers into Timeclock Punchers
The title of this post is my alternative to Politico's headline which reads, "Barack Obama poised to hike wages for millions." What is actually happening is that Obama is proposing to raise the threshold for how much money an employee can make before he or she can be considered exempt from overtime rules (and thus exempt from filling in a time sheet). [Quoting from Politico:]
As early as this week, the Labor Department could propose a rule that would raise the current overtime threshold — $23,660 – to as much as $52,000, extending time and a half overtime pay to millions of American workers. 
The Obama Administration and its supporters (and apparently Politico, by how they wrote the headline) are smoking something if they think employers are going to react by raising salaries of current exempt employees being paid 23,660 or 30,000 or 40,000 to $52,000.  Absolutely no way.  There may be a few just under the $52,000 threshold that get a bump, but that will be a minor effect. 
Everyone else is going to suddenly find themselves converted from a junior manager back to a wage earner.  Companies are not going to allow these newly minted wage earners to earn overtime, and so I suppose one good outcome is that we may see a new boost in productivity as companies find ways to automate or eliminate junior management tasks to get all these folks down to 40 hours a week. 
Five years ago, I might have really been in a panic over this in my company, but fortunately our experience with Obamacare has given me confidence we'll figure it out.  With Obamacare we were facing enormous costs which we (like many service and retail companies) managed to eliminate by converting almost all of our full-time employees to part-time.  Compared to that effort, figuring out how to get all of our managers down to 40 hours seems like child's play. 
As usual, most of the costs of this regulation will be born by workers.  As with other minimum wage-type laws, some will be better off, actually getting the "raise" promised by Politico, while some will be worse off, dropped to straight 40-hour work which does not pay as well, or out of work entirely. ...
The full post is absolutely worth your time to read.