Thursday, August 4, 2016

Your Employees are Drowning in a Benefits Quagmire. More Tech? Maybe Not - Consider More Outsourcing

More and more we see and hear employers turning to technology to "solve" the benefits problem.  And while there is no doubt that technology is part of the solution, it can't be the only component.  As healthcare becomes more complex and challenging, we see an increasing number of clients turn to us to wholly outsource their benefit department.  Here is why, in summary, from Employee Benefit Adviser:
  • Nearly one-third (32%) of insured survey participants reported that they are uncomfortable with their personal knowledge and skills for navigating their medical benefits and the healthcare system.
  • Employee productivity is diminished because employees are spending an average of three and a half hours of company time a month dealing with healthcare issues in addition to time spent at home wrestling with the pros and cons of various health plan options.
  • Health benefits executives should be asking if they're really getting the maximum return on these tools and technologies or if they're creating additional problems and complexity for employees at various ages and stages of their career.