Friday, March 7, 2014

Armstrong & Getty with Craig Gottwals 3.7.14 Regarding: Re-De-Un-Grandfathering 'Junk' Plans

Jack, Joe and Craig discuss President Obama's Re-De-Un-Grandfathering of those 'substandard junk plans' that Obamacare was supposed to protect us from.
  • "The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly." ― Abraham Lincoln. 
  • This week President Obama made the 32nd change to Obamacare.  

My summary on this week's changes to Obamacare: Change 32 To Obamacare: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan until there is a new President to deal with this mess.

Joe's account of my bike crash and my story about my dealings inside of the healthcare system.

Playlist of my 2014 appearances on Armstrong and Getty.  

Playlist of my 2013 appearances on Armstrong and Getty.

All Armstrong and Getty Podcasts can be heard here.