Thursday, July 5, 2018

How Socialized Medicine Creates Dependence

From David Henderson:
"A few years ago, an acquaintance who moved here from Canada told me that under Canadian’s single-payer system, his wife was in a years-long queue to get her foot operated on. This was a big deal because one of his and his wife’s regular pleasures was to go walking together after dinner and her foot problem made that difficult. 
Once they arrived here, he got good health insurance from his employer and his wife quickly got the surgery. The surgery worked, and he and his wife started doing their evening walks again. And their out-of-pocket expense for the surgery, which cost a couple of thousand dollars, was a little over $200. 
All good news, right? That’s what I would have thought. Can you see what’s coming? His wife complained bitterly about the $200." 
Full story